英 [?nd?g'ne??(?)n]
- n. 憤慨;憤怒;義憤
- The rise in train fares has aroused public indignation.
- 火車票提價激起了公憤。
- Joe quivered with indignation that Paul should speak to him like that.
- 喬認為保羅竟然那樣對他說話,氣得直發抖。
- Some benefits apply only to men, much to the indignation of working women.
- 讓職業女性大為不平的是有些福利只提供給男性。
- to be full of righteous indignation (= the belief that you are right to be angry even though other people do not agree)
- 義憤填膺
- She was filled with indignation at the conditions under which miners were forced to work...
- 礦工們被迫在如此惡劣的條件下工作,她感到異常憤怒。
- No wonder he could hardly contain his indignation.
- 難怪他幾乎抑制不住自己的憤怒。
- Public indignation about takeovers causing people to lose their jobs Allan Sloan.
- 公眾對于導致人們失業的接管行為很憤怒(艾倫·斯洛恩).
- They were full of righteous indignation at the thought of being cheated.
- 一想到受騙了他們就義憤填膺.
- Indignation grips me because of the wicked , who have forsaken your law.
- 53我見惡人離棄你的律法、就怒氣發作、猶如火燒.
- It causes me indignation, he said.
- 杜德拉表示?[這整件事讓我感到十分憤慨.
- He flamed with indignation.
- 他義憤填膺.
- Righteous indignation: your wrath as opposed to the shocking bad temper of others.
- 義憤 —— 他人的震怒與自己的憤怒的對抗.
- Joseph behold my style of cookery with growing indignation.
- 我這種作菜的方式讓約瑟夫越看越冒火.
- He shook his head and his eyes were wide, then narrowed in indignation.
- 他搖了搖頭,眼睛先是睜得圓圓的, 隨后又瞇成一條縫,臉上露出憤怒的神色.
- He became vocal with indignation.
- 他因憤慨而發言.
- Burn with righteous indignation , martyr sacrifices for equality, do the mankind to liberate emancipator.
- 熱血沸騰, 先烈為平等犧牲, 做人類解放救星.
- He flushed crimson with indignation.
- 他因憤怒而臉紅.
- The news aroused the great indignation.
- 這消息激起了極大的憤慨.
- They were filled with righteous indignation.
- 他們都義憤填膺.
- There followed a great flood of indignation in the newspapers.
- 隨后,報紙連篇累牘地刊載了表示義憤的文章.
- The news roused great indignation.
- 這消息激起了極大的義憤.
- Indignation bereft him of speech.
- 他憤怒得說不出話來.
- But I have refined everything away by this time — anger, indignation, scorn itself. Nothing left but disgust.
- 到這時,我一切不平都沒有了——發火, 憤慨, 嘲笑本身. 什么都沒了,只有厭惡.
- If you do that, you'll be calling the indignation of the masses down upon yourself.
- 你那樣做將激起群眾對你的憤慨.
- Their rejection of these measures roused the people to indignation.
- 他們拒不采取這些措施,引起了人民的憤慨.
- It caused some protest and indignation.
- 這引起了一些抗議和憤慨.
- The atrocity caused widespread indignation.
- 那暴行引起了普遍的憤慨.
- The news roused discontent and indignation of the workers.
- 這消息激起了工人們的怨憤.
- The rise in train fares has aroused public indignation.
- 火車票提價激起了公憤。