英 [?'pl??z]
- n. 歡呼,喝采;鼓掌歡迎
- Give her a big round of applause !
- 為她熱烈鼓掌!
- The audience broke into rapturous applause.
- 聽眾中爆發出一片歡呼喝彩聲。
- ...a round of applause.
- 一陣掌聲
- They greeted him with thunderous applause.
- 他們以雷鳴般的掌聲歡迎他。
- NET Namespace and Type to import names defined outside your project.
- NET命名空間和類型)以導入在項目外部定義的名稱.
- A stormy applause broke out in the hall.
- 全場響起了暴風雨般的掌聲.
- Applause broke forth suddenly.
- 掌聲驟起.
- The audience punctuated his speech by outbursts of applause.
- 聽眾不時以陣陣掌聲打斷他的講話.
- She left the stage to tumultuous applause.
- 她在一片熱烈的掌聲中離開了舞臺.
- Paul looked through his green glasses peevishly when the other speaker brought down the house with applause.
- 當另一個演說者贏得了滿座喝彩聲時,保羅心里又嫉妒又氣惱.
- The applause acted on her like a shot of adrenaline.
- 掌聲猶如給她注射了一支強心劑.
- Spontaneous applause broke out as soon as she finished speaking.
- 她一講完,大家不約而同都鼓起掌來.
- He bowed to the thunder of applause from the audience.
- 他鞠躬答謝觀眾席上發出的雷鳴般的掌聲.
- Stormy applause rocked the hall.
- 暴風雨般掌聲震動了大廳.
- His speech won round after round of enthusiastic applause.
- 他的演講博得了一陣又一陣的熱烈掌聲.
- The speaker was received with a mixture of applause and hisses.
- 那演說者同時得到喝彩聲和噓聲.
- The audience burst into thunderous applause.
- 全場掌聲雷動.
- The applause made it evident the play was a hit.
- 掌聲顯然表明該劇是成功的.
- The resolution was carried [ passed; adopted ] amid applause.
- 這項 決議 在掌聲中獲得通過.
- He won a tempest of applause when he ended his speech.
- 演講結束時,他博得暴風雨般的掌聲.
- The army went forth amid great cheering and applause.
- 軍隊在熱烈的歡呼與掌聲中行進.
- He was interrupted in his speech by applause.
- 他的演講被掌聲打斷.
- The audience broke out into a stormy applause.
- 觀眾中爆發出暴風雨般的掌聲.
- Give her a big round of applause !
- 為她熱烈鼓掌!
- intermittent bursts of applause
- 一陣陣的掌聲
- Her speech was punctuated by bursts of applause.
- 她的講演不時被陣陣掌聲打斷。
- In 1985 her first collection received rave reviews from Women's Wear Daily. Ever since, applause has never ceased.
- 1985年她的首款系列時裝得到《女性時裝日報》的高度評價.從那時起,贊賞之聲就一直不絕于耳.
- I kept hearing the sound of applause in the background.
- 我不斷聽到隱約的鼓掌聲。
- Then the applause burst out.
- 然后突然掌聲雷動。
- The audience responded with thunderous applause.
- 觀眾報以雷鳴般的掌聲。