英 ['b??n??]
- adj. 燃燒的;強烈的;發熱的
- n. 燃燒
- vi. 燃燒(burn的現在分詞)
- a burning desire to win
- 取勝的迫切愿望
- He's always had a burning ambition to start his own business.
- 他總是雄心勃勃地想自己創業。
- the burning sun
- 灼熱的太陽
- her burning face
- 她的熱辣辣的臉
- She glared at both of them with burning, reproachful eyes.
- 她瞪著他們倆,目光中充滿怒火和責備。
- I had a burning ambition to become a journalist.
- 我熱切期盼成為一名記者。
- She had a burning desire to wreak revenge.
- 她復仇心切。
- The burning question in this year's debate over the federal budget is: whose taxes should be raised?
- 今年聯邦財政預算辯論中的一個重要問題就是:哪些人的納稅額應該提高?
- ...the burning desert of Central Asia.
- 炙熱的中亞沙漠
- He focused the sun's rays on a paper with a burning glass.
- 他用一面凸透鏡把陽光聚焦在紙上.
- The firemen had to kick the door in to get inside the burning building.
- 消防隊員不得不把門踢開進入著火的大樓.
- There was an overpowering smell of burning tyres.
- 有一股濃烈的燒輪胎的氣味.
- My mother can smell burning.
- 我母親聞到什么東西燒焦的味道.
- The burning hearts of the revolutionaries fused into one.
- 革命者火熱的心融合在一起.
- The frightened stampeded from the burning building.
- 驚惶失措的人群從失火的大樓中奔竄出來.
- The fire is burning cheerfully.
- 火著得很歡.
- The roof of the burning house fell in with a crash.
- 著火房子的屋頂嘩啦一聲塌下來.
- The burning wood threw off sparks.
- 燃燒的木柴火星四迸.
- It was the first of August , a perfect day, with a burning sun and a cloudless sky.
- 八月一日這天, 陽光普照,萬里無云.
- A field of burning grass is billowing thick black clouds of smoke into the sky.
- 一片燃燒著的草冒出的滾滾黑煙直沖云霄.
- The Indians avenged the burning of their village on 〔 upon 〕 the settlers.
- 印第安人因為村莊被焚毀向拓居者們進行報復.
- The smell of burning rubber is not pleasant.
- 橡膠燃燒的氣味不好聞.
- The mat was smouldering where the burning log had fallen.
- 燃燒的木棒落下的地方墊子慢慢燃燒起來.
- The stove is burning fiercely.
- 爐火熾烈.
- Smoke from the burning house enveloped the whole street.
- 燃燒著的房子冒出的濃煙籠罩了整條街.
- It was courageous of her to go into the burning building to save the child.
- 她進入燃燒著的房屋去救那孩子是勇敢的.